06.11.2015 r., Lublin Second international meeting of partners involved in implementation of the “Young people at the labor market” project EDS-FNS

From 27th to 28th of October 2015 at Malta, we have held second international meeting of partners involved in implementation of the “Young people at the labor market” project. Experts from all partners institutions participated in the meeting.

During the meeting, partners have discussed the progress and the results of research carried out during the development of the first intellectual output ("Diagnosis of skills and competencies of youth and expectations of employers"). They have also discussed about actions needed to complete the work on the second intellectual output - scenarios for the development of soft skills and competences of young people.

Partners have also planned activities for the coming months, and also discussed issues related to the promotion and dissemination of the project and its results, as well as evaluation of activities and results of the project.

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The meeting was also an opportunity to strengthen the existing cooperation and plan further joint ventures.

Projekt jest finansowany ze środków programu Erasmus+ KA2 Partnerstwa Strategiczne w dziedzinie Młodzieży, umowa nr 2014-1-PL01-KA205-003656