23.05.2012 Lublin International youth exchange about stereotypes coming soon in Nasutów! European Centre of Youth Co-operation

Between 24th May – 1st June 2012 in European Meeting Centre In Nasuwów an international youth exchange entitled “Reportage – stereotype breaker” will be held. Young people from Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Hungary, Italy and Poland will participate in this event.

The programme is dedicated to people aged 20-25 years who aren’t professionals but are interested in journalism, especially in different types of reportage. We expect up to 30 participants: one group of 5 people from Romania, Turkey, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy and Poland.

The main idea of the project is to break stereotypes of different countries based on generalizations and simplified images throughout specific style in media – reportage which always presents facts as they are in order to discover truth. Moreover we want participants to overcome their shyness, become more tolerant to decrease intercultural distance and show that media can be an effective instrument of promoting positive attitude and abolishing stereotypes.

We will achieve our aim by both organizing workshops with professionals and by visiting local media. In order to put theory into practice, in the end participants will have a chance to make reportages on their own. Not only will they create video reportage, interview and take photos but also make them visible for all people by organizing exhibition and happening. Effects of work are going to be shown in different types of media to attract as many people’s attention as possible.

Europe Direct Lublin Information Point is the partner of this project.

Project is co-funded by the programme “Youth in Action”