08.05.2010 Lublin Workshops of the project "Transfer of know-how on professional counseling for young people". Labour Market Institute

Have already been held the third and fourth workshops on 04.05-08.05.2010r. in Nasutów of the project "Transfer of know-how on professional counseling for young people"

Workshop for participants from the Polish, Ukrainian and Belarus were conducted by trainers from Norway. Scope what was discussed in class include: Introduction to career counseling in Norway, Consulting for school children and visits to schools and consulting firms, consulting groups as a method of counseling for youth, call a career - methodology, thematic information pages www and testing, information courses for parents, Coaching - individual consulting and presentation tools, personal training, mastering the course - "Yes, I can!" Norwegian managers presented tools and methods used in their work with youth, thus it was possible to establish a discussion on the differences and similarities

Norwegian coaches presented the tools and methods used in their work with young people, was made possible thanks to the establishment of discussion among the project participants and comparison advisory systems in each country.

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