Young people
on the labour market



The conference will be held on 27 September at 9:00 in Lubelskie Centrum Konferencyjne in Lublin. It will summarize the project carried out by European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation in association with Erasmus+ and partner organizations from Slovakia, Malta and Italy. Our main focus in last two years was to find successful methods and tools supporting process of entering the labour market of young people graduating from universities and vocational schools.


international training

From 19-28.06.2016 in the Dom Nasutów (near Lublin) we have organized an international training, which was coordinated by the European Meeting Centre - Nowy Staw Foundation and was implemented under the project "Youth in the labor market" funded by the Erasmus + (KA2, Strategic Partnership). The training was attended by people, who during they everyday activities work with young people from Polish, Malta, Italy and Slovakia.



na międzynarodowe szkolenie

Europejski Dom Spotkań – Fundacja Nowy Staw zaprasza na międzynarodowe szkolenie "Młodzi na rynku pracy" - 19.06.2016-28.06.2016. Jest to jedno z zaplanowanych działań projektowych. Szkolenie prowadzone w języku angielskim przy współudziale prowadzących z Malty, Słowacji i Włoch. W trakcie szkolenia: prezentacje, warsztaty, dyskusje, praktyczne przykłady metod i narzędzi wykorzystywanych w pracy z młodymi ludźmi stosowane w krajach partnerskich.



From 27th to 28th of October 2015 at Malta, we have held second international meeting of partners involved in implementation of the “Young people at the labor market” project. Experts from all partners institutions participated in the meeting.

During the meeting, partners have discussed the progress and the results of research carried out during the development of the first intellectual output ("Diagnosis of skills and competencies of youth and expectations of employers"). They have also discussed about actions needed to complete the work on the second intellectual output - scenarios for the development of soft skills and competences of young people.



Meeting of the project partners

On 04-06.02.2015 the first international meeting of the project partners was held. The meeting was organized in Bratislava and was attended by representatives of all partner organizations.

The main objectives of the meeting were:

  • Getting to know the members of the project team
  • Clarification of the principles of cooperation and communication between the partners established during the writing of the application and at the beginning of the project
  • Clarification of the rules for financial settlements between partners
  • Detailed discussion of the responsibilities of the different partners
  • Discussion of the actions taken regarding the implementation of O1
  • Discussion and set a final timetable for action
  • Discussion and preparation of the dissemination activities
  • Talk about ways and tools of quality control during the project.


Young people, in the opinion of employers, are not enough prepared to the labour market. Not every graduate is able to find a job and even if he/she finds it, not everybody is able to meet expectations of the employer. Young people during their studies often do not take the additional activity associated with involvement into student's unions or NGOs. Most of them do not take additional internships and practices in line with their profession. Their skills, competences and expectations often fail to match what is expected from them at the labour market.

The Strategic Partnership we establish aims to diagnose the problem and to reply to it effectively through cooperation, experience and information exchange, development of didactic materials (lesson and workshops scenarios for youth organizations, schools and universities), development of the audiovisual didactic materials.

Moreover we will also conduct info campaign, which will inform young people how to get prepared to the requirements of the modern labor market. The Strategic Partnership involves the cooperation of Polish Slovak, Italian and Maltese institutions at the regional level and includes: NGOs, youth organizations, trade unions and production company.

The project is innovative, as it presupposes comprehensive measures to support both young people and people who work with them.

In addition, the outputs developed under the project activities are based on results of the research about level of competences of young people and direct opinions and expectations of employers in 4 countries of the European Union.

An important element of the project is also to promote active citizenship of young people, to show that social skills can be purchased not only in the workshops and interpersonal trainings, but may be acquired mainly by acting in youth organizations, pursuing own local or international projects, co-organizing the activities of NGOs, taking an active part in student life, as well as conscious selection of internships and apprenticeships.


Main activities

  • Diagnose of level of skills and competences possessed by young people at schools and universities, as well as gaining information about which competences employers expect from their future employees
  • Best practice sharing and exchange of information and expertise of all stakeholders involved in the project
  • Development of didactic materials - lesson's and workshops scenarios, which will be adapted to the school programmes and NGO programmes (lessons of entrepreneurship, non-formal education workshops, workshops during career days at universities)
  • Development of didactic audiovisual materials - to work with youth in the sphere of development of their social and personal competences and preparing them to the labour market
  • Information broschure - which promotes active citizenship, young's people involvement into students’ and youth organization
  • Staff trainings - trainings for youth workers and teachers at schools in order to adapt developed didactic materials into school and NGO educational programmes
  • Local 1-day testing seminars for youth - testing of didactic materials developed during the project
  • Final conference in Warsaw promoting and disseminating results of the project.

Youth Guarantee
- Youth Employment

Dlaczego wielu absolwentów szkół zawodowych ma kłopoty z odnalezieniem się na rynku pracy? ... Pracodawcy coraz częściej wskazują jako warunek konieczny posiadanie przez pracownika kompetencji personalnych i społecznych, chęci aktualizowania wiedzy i doskonalenia umiejętności zawodowych oraz umiejętności współpracy z zespole...

Narzędzia do kształtowania kompetencji uczniów szkół zawodowych

Dlaczego wielu absolwentów szkół zawodowych ma kłopoty z odnalezieniem się na rynku pracy? Brakuje im kompetencji personalnych i społecznych takich jak umiejętność komunikacji, radzenia sobie ze stresem, asertywności, wyrażania swojego zdania, umiejętności podejmowania decyzji czy też umiejętności pracy w zespole. Jak temu zapobiec? Kształtować te kompetencje i rozwijać potencjał młodych osób, jeszcze w szkole.


Raport z badania „Diagnoza poziomu kompetencji uczniów”

Z danych urzędów pracy oraz dostępnych badań wynika, że pracodawcy zarówno w Polsce jak i na Ukrainie coraz częściej w zgłaszanych ofertach pracy wskazują jako warunek konieczny posiadanie przez kandydata kompetencji personalnych i społecznych w zakresie przestrzegania zasad kultury i etyki, chęci aktualizowania wiedzy i doskonalenia umiejętności zawodowych oraz umiejętności współpracy z zespole.


Nowe narzędzia do kształtowania kompetencji społecznych

... jako efekt transgranicznych działań w Lubelskim Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego w Lublinie. Lubelskie Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego im. Krzysztofa Kamila Baczyńskiego jest placówka oświatową o ponad 60 letniej tradycji. Z nauki w placówce korzysta łącznie 654 uczniów i słuchaczy.


Projekt jest finansowany ze środków programu Erasmus+ KA2
Partnerstwa Strategiczne w dziedzinie Młodzieży,
umowa nr 2014-1-PL01-KA205-003656



ul. Przechodnia 4, 20-003 Lublin;
tel. +48 81 536 10 93, fax: +48 81 534 61 92